Providing essential tips and tools for aspiring and novice product managers to ensure a successful start to your product management career

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Welcome to the MVP PM!

Why the name "MVP PM"? Because everything starts with an MVP...

An MVP feature set is the FIRST set of features that you release for a product.

Iterations do not just pertain to product releases.  If you look at your career as a product manager (PM) where you view each growth step you take as an iteration in your PM lifecycle, you will see that you too have an MVP.  This includes information/knowledge/tactics that are so critical to your growth as a product manager that you have to ensure you have them at the start of your career.

So if you are a novice PM, consider yourself an MVP PM ;-).  You are in your first iteration as a product manager and I am here to help you make each iteration of your career a success!  

If you are an aspiring PM, this site is for you too!  Information you find here can assist you in interviews to ensure you understand the role and what to expect as you pursue the product management journey.

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